actually, i din participate much in tat nite...just be a part of choir n help around only...
but i think this xmas nite had brought 2 me another feeling...diff with wat i had b4
ya...quite diff......haha!...could be new experience
when i hv been asked 4 feedback of tat nite... hmm, glanced back what i had felt....
well, i decided to post sth then ......hehe
1st of all, i can feel tat christian are very warm to each other... they always welcome each other with an open n warm heart...even they dun quite know u la... tat's gd le...
then, i found tat they really had a intimate r/s with God..... they did pray a lot... tat's admired me so much....ya...
they also have a strong bond with each other......holding hands together while praying...... wat admired me more is they even hold my hand during making prayer......even i m not christian...
touched me a lot......haha
their main aim of the nite which is to serve Him really astonished me......they always reminded themselves bout their main serve him n not the audience......wao, tat's cool!
b4 tat, i really loved that sketch......damn touching le!!!...anyway, i din cry......haha=P
love tat storyline......close to our daili lives...... reminded me of sth too...... need to be strong
learn draw strength from God......stay close with him...haha
honestly, b4 tat i thought that christian always deal with bored stuff......
but now, i felt tat they r actually dealing with meaningful things......
their principles, values, spirit, teachings are GREAT!!!......ya, tat's wat i gained from my involvement in tat nite......
be more open in the aspect of heart n mind to Christ!
merry christmas everyone!